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Alzheimer's Care: Ten Absolutes to Simplify Tasks and Create Positive Interactions Part I

Thursday, September 12, 2024

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In Alzheimer’s care, navigating daily tasks and interactions can be challenging. The “Ten Absolutes” are essential guidelines to simplify these tasks and foster positive experiences for everyone involved. Here are the first five Absolutes, explained with practical examples and advice.
The first absolute is to never argue but agree instead. Arguing only leads to frustration for both you and your loved one. For example, if they believe they need to wait for their mother to eat dinner, rather than arguing that their mother has passed away, you could gently say, “I haven’t seen your mother today. If I do, I’ll let her know you’re asking about her. In the meantime, let’s have a bite to eat while we wait.” This approach acknowledges their feelings without causing distress, keeping the moment calm and positive.

The second absolute for Alzheimer’s care advises us not to reason but to divert. Reasoning can often confuse someone with Alzheimer’s. Instead of explaining why they need to take a bath, try diverting their attention: “Let’s go check the water temperature together. You’re in charge—just step in when you’re ready.” By focusing on the action rather than the reason, you help them feel more comfortable and in control.

Third, don’t shame—distract instead. Shaming can hurt their dignity and trust in you. If they accuse someone of stealing, rather than challenging them, say, “John is here to help us find your wallet. Let’s have a cup of coffee, and we’ll start looking.” This shift in focus helps to ease their mind and maintain a peaceful environment.

The fourth absolute is to avoid lecturing and instead reassure. Lecturing can overwhelm them, especially if they’ve been up all night. Instead, gently reassure them: “I can’t sleep either. Let’s try lying down again, and I’ll stay with you until you feel better (pat the bed)” This approach helps them feel safe and cared for without adding pressure.

Finally, don’t ask them to remember—reminisce instead. Asking if they remember a person or event can create unnecessary stress. Instead, introduce the person and share your memories: “Hi Tom, this is Sarah from Elmhurst Elementary PTA. I had the nicest lunch today with her. She’s so pleasant, and she visits often.” This way, you engage them in the moment without causing frustration over forgotten details.

At Private Nursing Care Inc., located in Indian River County, Florida our nurses and caregivers understand these principles deeply. They are trained to apply the Ten Absolutes with the utmost compassion and patience. We know how important it is to create a supportive and positive environment for your loved ones. Our dedicated team is here to provide the best care possible, always prioritizing dignity and respect.

If you’re looking for compassionate, professional Alzheimer’s care, reach out to Private Nursing Care Inc. today to learn how we can support your family.

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